The Making of a Pageant 1947-2005

We’re preparing a digital programme and series of articles celebrating the Pageant as part of the Arbroath 2020+1 festival and are looking for anyone who remembers the pageants to share their memories and memorabilia with us!

We’re interested in pictures, clippings, film footage (including Cine film) and any souvenirs you have!

If you would like to contribute please send an email to or DM @Arbroath2021

Call 01242 656 124 and we can discuss the best way to connect.

Or you could complete our questionnaire.

Your responses may find their way into the digital archive itself or as an audio element of the podcast. Everyone who contributes will be given a name credit on Arbroath2020+1 website.

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What is your name?
What are your contact details?
Did you attend or participate in the Arbroath Abbey Pageants of 1947-2005?
Do you have any particular memories of the Pageants which you’d like to share?
Did you save any souvenirs or photos from them that you'd like to share for our exhibition?
Do you recall why you attended the Pageant?
Did you ever participate in the Pageant?
Do you think that the Pageants represented something important for Arbroath? If so, what do you consider that to be?
Do you remember any particular personality or character in your memories of the Pageants?
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