Let's Get Started!
Begin your immigration journey with confidence at Gill Law Firm. This intake form serves as your introduction to our team. Your input here will help us understand your unique situation and tailor our services to meet your needs effectively.
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Full Name: *
Please input the name of the beneficiary seeking the visa, even if they aren't filling out this form.
Email: *
Phone Number: *

Are you currently residing in the United States?

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If you are currently in the United States, what is your current immigration status?

What is your United States address? *
What is your foreign address? *
Do you have any immediate family members (spouse, children) who are accompanying you or joining you in the United States?  
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If applicable, please list current employment.
List employer, job title, and a description of your role and responsibilities.
If applicable, please list any education, training, certifications, or professional development.  *
What visa category are you applying for? *
If you are unsure, please select all that you are interested in.
If you have a website, paste the link below.
List your previous accomplishments that may help qualify you for your chosen visa category. *
Describe your exceptional abilities, achievements, or recognition in your field.
List any awards, honors, or recognitions received related to your field.  
Provide details of any publications, presentations, or exhibitions that highlight your expertise.  
List any supporting documents you have related to your qualifications. 
This can be awards certificates, letters of recommendation, publications, and so on. Please only list items you can provide a copy of.
Do you have a petitioner/sponsor?  
This question is required for us to begin drafting your visa.

If yes, please provide details of your petitioner/sponsor.

Please include the name of the petitioner/sponsor, relationship to petitioner (e.g., employer, agent, organization), and contact information of petitioner/sponsor.

Do you have a contract or agreement with your petitioner/sponsor?

If you answered no to the above, are you interested in utilizing a petitioner service? *
Do you have any specific timeline or urgency for your visa application? If yes, please provide details.  
Is there any additional information that you believe will help your visa application?
This can be any evidence you have that wasn't covered above. Feel free to provide links to articles or anything else deemed relevant. 
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