STS K/P/LS Mini-Camp RSVP 2025
Mini-Camps include kicking, punting and snapping instruction, competition, and drills. Video analysis of mechanics as needed.  Training program.  Ages 10+, campers grouped by age, skill level.  Cost is $100 per mini-camp cash or Venmo to LeeMcDonald25 Questions?  Call 732-406-6409 or  
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I hereby release Special Teams Solutions (STS), Matawan Public Schools, Manasquan Recreation Department, and the Manasquan Boro from any and all liability as a result of any injuries which may occur during my participation in their event. I fully understand that I am responsible for any and all medical expenses which may be incurred as a result of any accidental injuries. I know and understand that photographers will be present at the event in which I am participating, and I allow STS to use my pictures and likeliness in STS marketing and advertising materials such as (but not limited to) website, flyers, banners etc. To accept these terms and agree to this health waiver and release of liability from STS and its coaches, staff, and employees, please click I ACCEPT below.
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