Lime Kiln Park Survey #3: Themes and Layout
Thank you for your feedback on our previous survey! We are students from Washington and Lee University working on our ENGN-379 Engineering Capstone project. The goal of our project is to upgrade Lime Kiln Park with new play structures for kids ages 2-12 and surrounding area while keeping accessibility, aesthetics, and safety in mind. If you have any questions or want to see more photos of the equipment please contact Sarah Burd at or Jon Erickson at . Please note that the equipment itself will be built by professionals and bought from online sources. 
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From the previous survey, the overarching feedback we received is:

-avoiding bright colors that take away from the natural look of the park  
-appealing to younger and older children
-being environmentally friendly (avoiding plastic if possible)
- swings/climbing equipment
- having multiple equipment pieces instead of one large one
-accommodating for disabilities

We have considered your feedback and have tried to apply them to the designs to the best of our ability.

We have narrowed down to 4 draft designs with hypothetical layouts. We are asking your opinion on the equipment and the layout.

Thank you for your feedback!
Current State of Lime Kiln Park
Current State of Lime Kiln Park

We created a 3D model of the current equipment in the space so you can get a visual sense of the area remotely. Later in the survey you will see layouts of new possible equipment in the same base space. Trees remain untouched. There will still be picnic tables and benches but they may be moved around. Mulch will be used but is not yet added. Fence and parking lot are currently the same but will be adjusted in the future.

In the new layouts below, we are prioritizing safety by placing equipment away from the roads and avoiding where the new sewage line construction will be prior to the parks upgrade.
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