2021-22 JMS Girls' XC Parent/Athlete Information
Thank you for taking the time to provide the following information to help us build our Cross Country roster!

NOTE: Feel free to save/submit your answers at any point. You will receive a confirmation with a link to "Edit Your Responses" that will allow you to follow up on any items necessary. Go Dragons!!!
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Email *
Athlete First Name: *
Athlete Last Name: *
2021/2022 Athlete Grade Level: *
Athlete Phone #:
Parent/Guardian #1: First & Last Name
Parent/Guardian #1: email address
Parent/Guardian #1: mailing address
Parent/Guardian #1: phone
Parent/Guardian #2: First & Last Name
Parent/Guardian #2: email address
Parent/Guardian #2: mailing address (if different)
Parent/Guardian #2: phone
I give permission to share my contact information with the Johnston Girls XCTF Booster Club. This will allow you to receive information regarding fun events and activities the Booster Club sponsors for the 7-12 program. *
I am interested in becoming involved in the Johnston XCTF Booster Club. Please feel free to contact me regarding opportunities. *
Please provide any information that you feel would be helpful to coaches in helping you/your daughter have the best possible experience on this team:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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