Adventures of a Comic Book Artist -                  Tues. May 21, 6:30 pm
Salem Lutheran 5-8th Grade is pleased to announce their production of "Corn Field of Dreams". It will be presented in the auditorium of St. Croix Lutheran Academy - 1200 Oakdale Avenue, West St. Paul, MN 55118.

We want to make sure we have enough seating for this performance. Please fill out the following to reserve general admission seats. There will be one performance at 6:30 pm. Please indicate how many tickets you would like to purchase. Tickets are $5 a seat. You will receive an email confirming your order.

Ticket sales can be charged to your TADS account unless you indicate that you will bring payment to the school office (cash or check only please).

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Your First and Last Name *
Your Student's First and Last Name *
Phone number you can be reached at if there are questions . *
How many tickets would you like to purchase? Please note seating is general admission. Seating will be available approximately a half hour before performance begins. *
Payment Options *
Due to limited seating, you will receive an email to confirm that your order can be filled as requested. Please note any other requests/comments here.
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