Professional Pathways Educator's Interest Form

The Professional Pathways Program program is a tier based professional networking and development program for film students across the state. This utilizes workforce centers and professional partners such as Karsh Hagen, Rocky Mountain PBS, PBS12, Mass FX, Growl Agency, and Battery621 in order to offer a diverse catalog of opportunities to students. 

Colorado educators who are leading media based courses may apply to the program on behalf of their advanced production students. Students must have completed intro level courses in their given major in order to qualify.

After submitting your application, we will review your submissions. If your submission meets certain standards, you will contact you to discuss further with 14 days of your submission date.

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Email Address 
Phone Number
Course Title (If you are submitting on behalf of multiple courses, please list them below)
Please provide a brief description of the focus of your course
How many students do you expect to participate in the program?
Please select the tiers you are interested in
If your class were to participate in Tier 1, would you need help establishing transportation?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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