RPG Session Submission
Hello DMs! We're so glad you're interested in running a game at Oddwillow's! To help standardize expectations for players & DMs and to help us streamline the process. Please confirm you've read our DM expectations (question 1) and then fill us in about your game!
Email *

Because the public sessions are hosted under the store's name, Oddwillow's DMs have to align with our code of conduct, uphold our store's mission, and follow certain guidelines, such as:

1) We manage sign ups. We love for your to bring players in, but to make sure we don't overbook, all sign ups for sessions must go through the store.

2) Provide staff with summary and content warnings. We require a small summary of your session, and warnings for any themes that may be sensitive for certain players. No sexual content is allowed in store hosted sessions

3) Be willing to work with all types of people. We have players of all kinds, including all levels of neurodivergence, race, religions, experience, and more. You must be willing and able to work with all players no matter their background, and make sure all players are included and treated fairly.

4) Session Prep. ALL one shot campaigns require premade characters. Ongoing/long term campaigns don't, but must have a session 0. We're happy to print anything you need and help you with materials, as long as all prep is done before the session.

5) All DMs are volunteer basis.  DMs are volunteers, and are not directly paid. We do highly encourage players to tip their DMs with Pieces of Odd, which can be redeemed for store credit. You are not allowed to accept cash from players on premises.

6) Reliability. If you set up a public session or sign up to run a private session, you have to stick to your dates & times. That said, we're all humans. If a change must be made, please make us aware as soon as possible.

Clear selection
Name of DM *
What is the name of the system, campaign, & module you'd like to run? *
What is the maximum amount of players you will accept for this campaign? *
What is your preferred/recommended minimum age for this campaign? *
Is this campaign beginner friendly? *
What is the anticipated duration of each session? *
Will this be a one-shot or campaign game? *
What is your preferred date and time for this session? *
Will pre-gen characters be available for this campaign? (Note: ALL one-shot sessions require pre-gen character sheets provided by the DM) *
What is the setting/atmosphere/theme of your game? (Ex: Holiday, horror, cyberpunk, etc) *
Please give us a summary of the campaign/session you are hoping to run. (Minimum 3-4 sentences, more detail is better!) *
Please finish this sentence:
Please be advised this session has some themes that may affect those sensitive to them such as __________. (EX: violence, murder, and child deaths)
Please finish this sentence:
As DM, my expected play-style from players for this session is___________.
(Ex: serious, problem solving, murder hobo, lawful good, combat heavy, role play heavy, etc)
Please finish this sentence:
During this game/session, I will use house rules such as ________.
(EX: nat 20s get advantage on next rolls, rule of cool, etc)
(For ongoing sessions, please put N/A if oneshot) As a DM, what is your policy for missing sessions?  *
(For ongoing sessions,  please put N/A if oneshot  ) How can players contact you with questions about the session? Discord is recommended *
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