Sign up for the first ever AGTA Goose Chase

What is a Goosechase? Goosechase is an app based, real-world scavenger hunt. Students will have to use their Geography skills and knowledge to complete 'missions' in and round their school.  

When: Teams will have from Monday 6th September (Week 7) to Friday 1st October (Week 10) to complete 12 'missions' around their school!

Team Size: 3-5 students per team, from Years 11-13 Geography classes

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Team Name *
Number of team members *
Email *
School *
I understand that each team member will need to download the Goosechase app on a device *
I understand that entries must be submitted by Friday 1st October (Week 10) 3pm *
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