Independent D - Unit 12 - Lesson 12.1 and 12.2 - Vocabulary
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1. From the time we were born, Keith was my neighbor and best friend.  My  ____________  memories all involve him. *
1 point
2. I never saw my best friend after third grade, when his family moved away, but I have a ____________ memory of what he looked like. I could even describe it to a sketch artist.
1 point
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3. But ____________ memories aren't very trustworthy. *
1 point
4. I don't really know if I'd ____________ him if I met him today, after more than 25 years. *
1 point
5  Still, when I ____________  my childhood, all my memories include him. *
1 point
6.  I  ____________  spending summer vacation playing Capture the Flag with the other kids on the block. *
1 point
7.  There was a  ____________ path behind our houses, full of rocks and pieces of wood. *
1 point
8.   One day we decided to explore it.  We filled our pockets with his mother's  ____________  chocolate chip cookies for energy. *
1 point
9.  We went early, when the grass was still  ____________  from the previous night's rain. *
1 point
10. It was spring and the air was  ____________  with the perfume of flowers. *
1 point
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