Burns Football Club 2024 Summer Skills Clinic: Registration Form
Burns FC are hosting a free summer skills clinic for children in the Canberra region, between the ages of 10 and 16 to learn the basics of our great game, in a fun and supportive environment!

The clinic will be held on Saturdays from 3 February 2024. 

To participate, children will need to be able to get to the playing fields at Kambah 3, off Summerland Circuit. Children are also asked to wear suitable footwear (this can be sneakers/runners, or boots if you already have them), bring a full water bottle, and come appropriately prepared for the weather conditions.

Burns FC will provide all equipment and clinic coaches.

If you have any questions about the clinic, please give us a call (0460 284 022), or send us an email (admin@burnsfc.com) - we'd love to chat with you!
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Name of clinic participant (child): *
Age participant will be turning in 2024: *
Contact email address for participant, or parent / guardian: *
Contact phone number for participant, or parent / guardian: *
Does the participant have any prior experience playing football? If so, please provide some brief details. *
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