Fort Ross Scout/Service Project Application
California State Parks belong to all Californians, so join us and offer a helping hand!

We welcome Scouts and other community groups to assist Fort Ross Conservancy and California State Parks with the ongoing work maintaining, repairing and improving our park facilities, trails, and so much more.  Projects vary seasonally and will be determined shortly before your arrival. Typically we are able to schedule one Service Project per month.

Fort Ross Conservancy is a non-profit cooperating association. We depend upon grants, donations and fundraisers in order to staff our program opportunities at Fort Ross, including our Scouts Program. Thank you for helping us to keep this wonderful service project opportunity available to all scout groups!

Overnight fee: $20/person/night.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Troop Name/Number *
Troop Leader Name *
Email *
Phone Number
What date(s) would you like to do your service project? *
Expected Number of participants (scouts and adults)? *
Age of Scouts? *
Have you done a service project at Fort Ross before? *
Questions or Comments?
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