Change a Life. Become a Sponsor
This form is for anyone in North America willing to host and/or sponsor a Ukrainian refugee(s). Once you submit this form one of our Sponsor Coordinators will contact you within 1-7 days to tell you more about the U4U Program and answer any questions you may have. 

If you have any questions please email:

Please note that these questions are meant to best inform our placements, please do not feel you need to provide all resources mentioned to help.

* Please note that if you are a single male we will not match you with a single female. If you are searching for a partner this is not the platform to do so on.
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Email *
Full Name *
Email *
Facebook Profile Link - This well help us better contact you/connect you to a family *
City *
Phone number *
How many refugees can you accommodate?
Who can you accommodate/sponsor? *
Are you okay with pets? *
Will you be providing meals?
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Will you be providing in-state travel assistance?
Please tell us what public transportation is like in your area. *
Will you be providing international travel assistance?
Description of Accommodation
How long are you able to accommodate for?
What can you share about your family and town you live in?
Do you have pets? If so, what kind?
Are you available to Host, Sponsor, or Sponsor and Host? *
Do you require Ukrainian beneficiaries that will be hosted in your home to have at least one vaccination against COVID?
Clear selection
How did you hear about NA4Ukraine? 
- Friends / Family - please specify below

- Another Facebook group - please specify below

- Organization / Group you are a member of - please specify below

- Rack Card w QR code - please specify where you were given or found the card

- Other - please specify below
Additional Comments or Requests
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