IlmFeed Travel Presenter Application Form
IlmFeed Travel are looking for presenters who are passionate about Islamic history and travel to present videos from various locations and landmarks around the world. The role may involve flying out to different parts of the world with IlmFeed Travel's camera crew.

We are looking for someone with an adventurous and lively personality who is articulate in the English language.
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Personal Details
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
City of Residence *
If you are currently working, please tell us what you do
If you are currently in education, please tell us what you're studying
About Yourself
Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you think you will be suited to this role. *
Social Media Profiles
If you don't use any of the social media platforms, please leave the relevant section(s) blank.
Instagram Profile
Twitter Profile
Facebook Profile
YouTube Channel
Have you done any presenting before? *
If you answered yes, please provide more details below
If you have any videos of yourself presenting to the camera, please provide a link below:
This role may entail having to travel to different parts of the world for a few days at a time. Please let us know your general availability. Please note, this is not a full-time role and the presenter will be required as and when needed.
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