Support for Open Across the College or University
Hi folks.  The following Concerns and desires have emerged in conversation with my Colleagues at RIT. As showing my institution that these wants and needs exist outside of our own campus will help "validate" our interests. Note that we're looking not just on FOSS, but on Open Data, OERs and Creative Commons Licensed IP as well.  I'd love to get your thoughts.

There's also a section at the end for you let me know if you have any or all of these and provide some more info about them

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Campus-wide trainings.  If your campus was going to offer some, would your interests and/or those of your peers be for trainings on... *
If your institution developed a resource collection, would you want it to cover *
Policies: Does your College or University have  policies that allow, or explicitly prohibit, *
If you do have policies on the topics above, please provide links here
If you were creating a campus-wide directory of people working in the Open what info would you want listed besides # of projects you engage with, your role, # of students engaged. Project name, Link and License, Types of funding support you get, if any?
Does your college or University Provide Financial Support (mini grant seed grants, etc) for *
Do you feel there a need for A Journal on Open Research *
Do you feel there a need for an Overlay Journal for conference presentations and other non-peer reviewed work on Open Research *
Do you feel there is a need for an Academic Open Source License, or Pledge, similar to the that allows for open use of IP for research while reserving rights for commerciaization? *
Please provide your institutions name and, if you are comfortable your program, title and/or name *
If you'd like to discuss these issues at greater length, please provide and email address
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