Family Catechism Sign-up
Please use this form to register your family for this year's Catechism program.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name *
Please indicate the name of the primary contact parent.
Spouse's name (if applicable)
Additional email (if different from above)
Primary Phone Number *
Your disciples (children you'll be taking through the program) *
Please provide the name and grade level of each child, separated with a semi-colon (;). Note: If any children have a different last name than you, please provide that also. (Example: "Athan - Grade 9; Paladin - Grade 7; Billy Smith - Grade 6)
Online or Print Materials Preference *
You have the opportunity to go through the materials online through our Canvas learning platform, or be sent a digital copy in PDF format, or pick up a printed copy at the De Pere site (please allow extra time for printed copies to be made). You may indicate below which you would prefer. If you would like to be sent the PDF and enroll in the Canvas program, please choose the fourth option.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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