2023 UAB URec Recstravaganza Rubber Duck Registration Form

The Guidelines are simple: 

-Register your duck using this form by October 25th to ensure a race spot:

-Make sure you are in the URec Pool Area by 6:15 pm on October 26th 

-You must have 1 representative from your student organization in attendance (but the more people cheering the better) 


-Audience members are welcome to join us in cheering on the ducks but are not allowed to interfere with their travel down the river. 

More Official Rules:

1.Once ducks are launched, they are on their own, except URec staff reserves the right to free them if they get caught in vents or any other spots that are hindering their ride down the river.  

2.Decisions of the judges stationed at the finish line will be final.  

3.Winners will be announced at the end of the race.

4.Winners will be asked to stay after all the races are completed for a group picture! 

(There will be a prize for the winner, tbd) 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Student Group/Team *
Name of Contact *
Contact Email *
Would you provide your own duck or utilize the Rec Centers selection? *
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