Rosati-Kain Alumnae, Families, & Friends Survey
We are looking for people who love Rosati-Kain to share their time, talents, and treasures with us. 

We are eager to ensure that all of our alumnae, families, and supporters feel connected to and proud of Rosati-Kain Academy. So many of you have asked how to get involved -- complete this survey and we will be in touch! 

Help us carry on our legacy! #RosatiForever

Email *
First Name  *
Maiden Name
Last Name  *
Alumnae Class Year
Phone number with area code *
Email  *
Street Address *
City *
State (Abbreviation) *
Zip Code *
LinkedIn Profile Link
College(s) attended + Degree(s) awarded
Profession/Area of Expertise
Do you have daughters, nieces, granddaughters, or other young women in your life who would be interested in attending Rosati-Kain? *
The Auction is on Saturday, October 19, 2024. Are you interested in serving on the Auction Committee? 

The kick-off meeting is on June 24 at 4:30pm. The committee will meet once a month during the summer and then 2-3 times a month in September and October. 
Can you underwrite or sponsor the Auction? (Levels from $2,000 - $50,000) *
Can you donate vacations, event/sports tickets, luxury items, gift cards, or other desirable items to the auction? *
Can you serve on the Alumnae Committee (meets once a month to plan Alumnae Weekend, recruit and organize Class Reps, make phone calls, laugh together etc.)? *
Are you interested in volunteering to be an Alumnae Ambassador at Admissions Open House on Sunday, October 5, 2024?  *
Can you tutor for RKA?

Are you a retired or former teacher or do you have experience tutoring a specific discipline? If so, would you be interested in being considered as a tutor in our Study Center for the 2024-2025 school year? 

We are looking for volunteers to commit to the same two hours (or more) a week for the entire school year. You would need to pass a background check and complete other protocols required to work with students. 
Do you have expertise to share with our students in a class? Or can you join a Career Lunch and Learn and share about your professional experience? *
Would you like to join the Teacher Appreciation Committee?

This committee meets 2-3 times a semester to plan special ways to celebrate teachers. This will include a Christmas party and Teacher Appreciation Week in May. 
Are you interested in volunteering at RKA to make phone calls, plant flowers, or help in the main office? *
Would you like to be considered for a Board committee? *
Are you an Alumnae who is interested in sponsoring a senior at Graduation on May 19, 2025 and giving her a pin? *
Any Alumnae updates or milestones you would like to share with us so we can celebrate you?
Anything else you want to share with us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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