ESL Registration 
Emergent, Beginner and Intermediate level classes. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Last name *
First Name *
Full home Address (Please include city, state and zip code) For example:  39750 Joy Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 *
School district where you live *
Phone Number *
Date of birth: Month, Day, Year *
Birth Place: City/State, Country *
Primary language spoken in your home? *
Hispanic or Latino descent? *
Gender *
Race *
Do you have a computer or Chromebook at home with a webcam? *
Do you know the English Alphabet?  Can you read and write in English?
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Choose your class from the options below.  Please note that your test results will officially decide your class.

PreEmergent-No English Knowledge
Emergent-Limited English
Beginner-Level 1 Some English
Intermediate-Level 2 Higher Level 

Please Note:  As of now, all in person intermediate classes are full!
How did you hear about our program?
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