Fundraising Development Programme - Expression of Interest
Fill this out to tell us what kind of support you would like. Please note, we will ask you to complete a short feedback survey after you have received support - your feedback is crucial to the continuation of this free service and will help us ensure we can offer this kind of support in the future.
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Email *
Does your work wholly or primarily benefit Lewisham and Lewisham residents? *
About you
Your name *
Your email address *

Your phone number


Address (must be in Lewisham)

Postcode (must be in Lewisham) *
What ethnicity best describes you? *
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? *
What gender best describes you? *
Please indicate your level of fundraising experience  *
I have never fundraised before
I have lots of fundraising experience
About your organisation

Your organisation name (if relevant)

What sort of organisation are you from? 


How many paid staff do you have?

How many volunteers do you have? *

Would you like to sign up to the fundraising development programme newsletter to receive further news and updates from the fundraising development team? 

About your work

Give a brief description of the project or aspect of your work that you're fundraising for. Please answer in less than 100 words.


Who do you help or who are your target audiences? For example you might particularly support Black and/or minority ethnic
communities, LGBTQ+ communities, people with a disability, children and young people, older people, schools/teachers etc. Please answer in less than 100 words.

Which ONE fundraising development manager area do you think is the best fit for your organisation? 

Support required - Please tell us what support would be most useful to you e.g. reviewing funding bids, identifying funders to apply to, thinking about wider fundraising strategy or business plan, help with crowdfunding... *
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