Share your thoughts about Nashville artist spaces!
This survey will help our collective gather information from people outside of our area and circle of community, and gain fresh perspective. Thank you for being a part of this!
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First off, where is your town? *
This will be kept confidential, but will help us create a map of how well our city has communitcated with what parts of the world.
What are your top three keywords when you think of "Nashville?" *
(That's Nashville, Tennessee, USA, y'all!)
What does Google tell you about Nashville?
Google search tailors your search results to certain topics based on your past search behavior or your I.P address. (You can read more about this process here: )

To finish this survey, I'd like to ask you to google some terms and let me know what comes up.
What are the links to your top three results if you google "Nashville?"
This will help tell us what people in your area look for when they look for our city.
What are the links to your top three results if you google "Nashville arts?"
This will help tell us what people in your city see when they look at arts in our city.
Without googling, have you heard of any of these Nashville neighborhoods?
In the news, from a friend, or online.
If you have heard of any of these neighborhoods, can you briefly describe what you've heard?
Please: provide positive and negative associations you've formed with these neighborhoods
Now tell us what you'd like to see if this was YOUR town.
Say that you're hearing about a new studio collective in YOUR town.

This studio collective rents space to diverse artists, but also has a public/community element.
What might make you come out and visit this location?
please check all that apply
Are there any reasons why you wouldn't come out to visit this location?
please check all that might apply
What kinds of community involvement/activities would you want to see from the members/owners of this space?
Share your ideas and desires here!
Would knowing this is a nonprofit make you more or less interested or involved in the space?
Be honest!
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Thank you for participating in this survey!
Would you like to be informed of a grand opening when we find a location?
please include your email address
Any last thoughts?
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