SALE 2024 Proposal
Please use this form to submit a proposal for presentation or for leading a discussion at the Southeastern Arts Leadership Educators conference 2024. SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS 11:59PM ON OCTOBER 31, 2023. The conference will be held at the College of Charleston February 9 - February 11th 2024.
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Name *
Email: *
Organization Affiliation:
Proposed discussion title and description (max. 350 words) *
Please select the amount of time you would like *
If you will be working with someone else, please include their name(s) and email(s) here
Please include any additional information you would like to share
This year, the Association of Arts Leadership Educators will published a special edition journal based on the conference. Please indicate below if you would be interested in submitting your presentation as a journal article for this special edition.
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If you are a faculty member, would you be willing to participate in a clinic to help graduate students developing papers/proposals/projects?
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