High School Parent Reported Absence
This form can be used to report your student's absence for today or future planned absences.  New Iowa Law SF2435 and School Board Policy regarding chronic absenteeism went into effect on July 1, 2024. Absences are considered exempt and non-exempt according to the law.  Exempt absences are not counted towards chronic absenteeism. We want to work together to ensure your child gets the best educational experience possible by having them in school regularly.  Please, contact the attendance administrative assistants or high school administrators if you have any questions.
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Email *
Date of Absence *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Your Name *
Contact Number (If more information needed) *
Reason for Absence.  Note that absences that are not exempt count toward the chronic absenteeism percentage threshold defined in Iowa Law, SF2435. *
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