Scorpio Moon Retreat Registration 
Pricing Starting at $678
November 10-12 Women's Retreat in Harrison, ME 
Includes accommodations, chef prepared meals and activities. 
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Occupation (If retired, previous occupation) *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
How did you hear about this retreat?  *
Have you been to another Moon Retreat with Shelby & Alanna?  *
T-Shirt Size *
Select your room type... (You will be sent an invoice according to the room you have selected). *
Would you like to add a friend to your single bed shared room for $555? You both will have a separate bed. (Please note the additional guest will need to fill out this form).
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Would you like to add a friend to your private full/queen room for $333? You will share a bed. (Please note the additional guest will need to fill out this form).
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Name of the person you would like to add to your room:
If you have been added to a private or shared room, what is the name of the person you will be staying with? 
Do you have any allergies/sensitivities? (e.g. foods, environment, medications, perfumes, etc.) *
Please Specify...
All meals are provided on retreat and may include dairy, meat, and gluten. Do you have any special dietary restrictions or requirements? (e.g. vegan, lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivities) We will keep this in mind and have meals available for you. *
Please Specify...
Do you have any physical limitations or emotional/mental health concerns that may restrict you from practicing mindfulness or meditation safely?  *
Please Specify...
Are you new to meditation?  *
If no, how long have you been practicing? 
What are you hoping to experience or learn during this retreat?  *
Pease share any concerns about attending this retreat?  If you have none, please leave blank.
Please feel free to share anything else you would like us to know about: 
Would you like to receive information about future retreats?  *
Please Sign to Acknowledge that ALL deposits are non-refundable. 
How would you like to pay?
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