Climate Action Academy - Teacher Training Expression of Interest Survey
The Upper Gila Watershed Alliance is partnering with 2811 to foster climate-literacy and food resilience in Grant County. In August, we'll be hosting a teacher training program for staff of the participating schools to learn about climate change, healthy soils, food sustainability, and how to teach young people about these topics.

The Climate Action Academy (with a focus on Food Resilience) is an interactive online course to introduce the topics of climate change, healthy soils, and food sustainability to local school staff. We will work with the educators to identify lesson plans and other programming opportunities that will bring this knowledge to students. The training program will include:

- Videos, readings and workshops about climate change, food sustainability, composting, and agriculture on the Teachable learning platform and in group calls.
- Focus group discussions to develop best practices and lesson plans for bringing food resilience awareness into the classroom and school community.

The course will run from August 19 to September 15 and the schedule is currently as follows:

Module 1: Understanding the Climate Crisis
Zoom call 1: Thursday, August 25, 4:00-5:30 pm
Module 2: Climate Education and Competencies for Crisis Resilience
Zoom call 2: Thursday, September 1, 4:00-5:30 pm
Module 3: Classroom Tools and Activities for Climate Action
Zoom call 3: Thursday, September 8, 4:00-5:30 pm
Module 4: Envisioning a Just Climate Future
Zoom call 4: Thursday, September 15, 4:00-5:30 pm

Participants will receive resources for climate education and tools to accelerate sustainability initiatives in their schools and classrooms. Participants also access a broad sustainability and educator network, and will earn a professional development certificate from Climate-KIC, the European Union’s Climate Action Knowledge and Innovation Community.

Fill in this brief application if you're interested in participating. We will be in contact with you when the course opens.

We look forward to welcoming you to this community of practice.

You may contact Lily Funes with any questions:

Learn more about the Climate Action Academy at:
Name *
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Email *
Educational Institution *
Where do you live? (town/city, state) *
If you're a teacher, which grade level(s) do you teach/work with? *
If you're a teacher, what subject(s) do you teach?
If you're not a teacher, what is your role in the school system?
Why do you want to be part of this program?
Please give your mailing address! You may be eligible for a stipend for your participation.
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