Clojurists Together Committee Nominations
If you're interested in being nominated to join the Clojurists Together Board apply below. Your application will be published for members to view, except for your personal details and email address. Let us know if this is an issue.
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Email *
Your name *
Your company
If currently employed
Please include a short explanation of why you would like to join the Clojurists Together Committee, and why you think you'd be a good fit. *
Please provide links to your GitHub/Twitter/e.t.c and/or personal website(s)
This is in case people only recognise you by your Twitter, GitHub name, e.t.c. or from your website, and to learn more about you. You don't have to provide anything here, and you won't be penalised if you don't.
Please write a blurb about yourself and your background for use in the ballot *
For examples, see how people described themselves at
How much time a month can you commit to meetings and serving the mission?
This isn't binding, just used to give an indication. There isn't a lot of required work for committee members at the moment, mainly voting on projects, although there is always more work to do if you have the time to help out!
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Anything else you would like us or our members to know?
Clojurists Together requires disclosure of any ties to other committee members, either business, personal, or financial. If it any time you discover any relationships, you must disclose them to the committee. *
There may not be more than two members under the control or close influence of the same entity. If this threshold is crossed then members must stand down until there are no more than two members from the same entity.
Demographic information
The information below won't be included on your information, but is needed to help the board ensure a diverse set of candidates for election if we get more than 12 candidates. Our bylaws state:

> The Board shall nominate no more than 12 candidates seeking board membership in any given election. In nominating candidates for Director positions and in choosing the number of candidates to nominate overall, the Board shall use reasonable efforts to maintain a Board composition consisting of at least: (1) 25% female Directors, (2) 25% non-Caucasian Directors, and (3) 35% from any category(ies) of persons (e.g., race, gender, ability) commonly considered to have suffered from discrimination at some time and then-currently under-represented in the technology industry, in each case as determined by the Board in its reasonable discretion.
Are you part of a group that is affected by systemic bias, particularly in technology? If so, can you elaborate?
Note that you're still eligible for board nomination if you haven't been affected by systemic bias.
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