Work In Progress (WIP) App Waitlist Signup
WIP App is a brand-new app that we're working on that will give you a space where you can upload, share, collaborate, annotate, and iterate on artwork that you're creating for render challenges.

We're still building out this new app and we'd love to have you try it out and provide us valuable feedback. Please fill out this form with your email and some information about yourself so that we can onboard you as soon as possible.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What 3D DCC applications do you use most often? *
How do you currently share your work with the community for feedback? *
How satisfied are you with the current platform you use to share your artwork for feedback? *
Very Un-satisfied
Very Satisfied
What challenges do you currently have with sharing your WIP artwork? *
Do you have an example where you got GOOD feedback from someone? What did they say and how did it help?
Do you have an example where you BAD feedback from someone?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about yourself?
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