Scholarship Program Requirements Contract
This must be completed and returned with the scholarship application.

If you have any questions, please contact Coach Turkish at
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Season *
Year *
Player Name *
Team Name *
In accordance to the policy for receiving a scholarship for team fees through Murfreesboro Soccer Club, I agree to the following/ per season:
Work 4 slots during the MSC Bash Tournaments. *
Provided that Murfreesboro Soccer Club is able to host any TSSA State Tournament work 2 slots during this tournament with the financial proceeds going to help fund the scholarship fund. *
Team responsibility: If the team manager for the above player has a need for assistance during the season, they will indicate that activity in the space below for this parent/guardian: *
You will still be required to participate in your teams parental requirements. Every effort should be made to make use of Kroger Care cards and participate in other fund raising events; the proceeds from these sales will go toward your daughter or son’s team account.
Signature of Parent/Guardian (please type full name) *
Date *
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