Eco Church pledge  
St John's Church, Menston with Woodhead, wants to encourage people to pledge to take action to address the climate emergency.  We know that we are all dependant on this fragile planet and it needs our care.  We are aware that our small actions can seem insignificant in trying to tackle the climate emergency but small actions can bring about big changes  What we do and buy has an impact on others. We are children of God and not defined by what we own or possess. 
By our actions we hope to inspire others to act.

As the scale of the problem is so vast, it has been suggested that we consider a pledge under one or more of the following headings.  Here are a few ideas:
  • Worship and prayer: praying daily for our world?
  • Energy: install a smart meter/switch to green energy/replace bulbs with LED's/timer switches/not using standby functions?
  • Water: take showers instead of baths/consider water saving devices for toilets?
  • Garden: bee friendly  planting /bug hotel/ peat free compost?
  • Travel : walk, cycle or use bus or train before using the car or plane?
  • Food : buy local food where possible/consider a veg box scheme/reduce food waste?
  • Stuff:  re-use or re-purpose before buying new?
  • Activism: write to your MP /join a climate action group?
Other possibilities include undertaking a personal carbon footprint audit -  or . 

Feel free to pledge what works for you!

The Eco church team would like to be able to encourage everyone with their pledges and see how they are doing - are you happy for that to happen?  If so , please provide your contact details.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Contact details for follow up.
During the next two months, I pledge to: *
Thank you for pledging to help address the climate crisis.  Please share with family/friends. Please add any other comments here.
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