SFRPD Volunteer Waiver (Ages 18+)
In consideration for being granted permission to work as a volunteer, I, the undersigned, shall protect, hold free and harmless, defend and indemnify the City and County of San Francisco including its agents from any and all claims of any kind and from all liability, penalties, costs, losses, damages, expenses, claims, or judgments (including attorney's fees) resulting from injury): death, or damage to visitor, third parties, myself or other volunteers, or property of any kind, which injury, death or damage arises out of or is in any way connected to the volunteer work assignment.

Photo Policy:
Occasionally photos may be taken of participants in the programs, classes and activities offered. These photos may be used in future program guides, brochures, web site, pamphlets, flyers or news releases. By completing this volunteer agreement, you are acknowledging and granting permission for us and our program partners to use photos we may take of you or your child while participating in our programs, classes and activities in the ways described above.

The collective effort and sacrifice of San Francisco residents staying at home limited the spread of COVID-19. But community transmission of COVID-19 within San Francisco continues, including transmission by individuals who are infected and contagious, but have no symptoms. Infected persons are contagious 48 hours before developing symptoms (“pre-symptomatic”), and many are contagious without ever developing symptoms (“asymptomatic”). Pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic people are likely unaware that they have COVID-19. The availability of volunteer events is an important step in the resumption of activities.  

However, the decision by the Health Officer to allow volunteer events that follow required safety rules, does not mean that attending volunteer events is free of risk. Attending a volunteer event could increase the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19. Each person must determine for themselves if they are willing to take the risk of attending a volunteer event, including whether they need to take additional precautions to protect the health of themselves, and others in the household. They should particularly consider the risks to household members who are adults 60 years or older or anyone who has an underlying medical condition. Volunteers may want to discuss these risks and their concerns with their health care provider. More information about COVID-19 and those at higher risk for serious illness is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at I understand the risks associated with participating in a volunteer event and agree to assume the risks to myself and my household. I also agree to follow all safety requirements that the volunteer event imposes as a condition of attending.
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Date of Volunteer Event (not birthday) *
Group Name *
Location of Volunteer Event *
Full Name *
Email Address *
Signature and Initial *
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