SSU Sonoma County Pride RSVP

We are excited to share that Sonoma State University (SSU) will proudly return as an Organizing Sponsor at this year's Sonoma County Pride celebration! We had a great turnout last year and are looking forward to building on that momentum to have an expanded presence this year.

Interested in participating? Fill out the form below to indicate your interest. The parade begins at 11am, with line-up starting at 9:30am in downtown Santa Rosa. We invite students, staff, faculty, alumni and other friends, family and allies to join the fun. And if marching is not your preferred way to engage, do not worry, there are plenty of other opportunities to show your support and we would love to have you involved!

As the event approaches, we will be reaching out to those who register via this form to share additional information and logistical details.

Other questions? Please reach out to Kim Purdy,

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Check this box if you would like to be added to the SSU Queer Faculty and Staff Association (QFaSA) mailing list (3 - 4 messages per month, mostly about activities such as QFaSA lunches).
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