Longarm Lins Quilting Request Form
Complete the form below to request edge to edge quilting.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
How will you get your quilt to me? *
What are the dimensions of your quilt? *
Width x Length
What quilting design would you like? *
If you'd like some input, just say "Let's work together to decide!"
What color thread would you like? *
What batting will you be using? *
In order to give you the best results possible, please ensure your backing fabric is a total of 8" wider and 8" longer than your quilt top. This gives me at least 4" of margin on each side of the quilt top. Your backing can be larger but not smaller.   
Please include any information that you'd like to share with me about your top such as pattern used, the function of the quilt, and/or the recipient. Feel free to ask any questions you have. I'll use this information to best help you when I reply by email. *
Do you need your quilt back by a certain date? *
If yes, we will discuss in my follow up!
Instagram Handle, if you're open to me posting your quilt!
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