Volunteer Sign Up Form 2022
We simply cannot pull this event off without a team of dedicated, hardworking volunteers. THANK YOU!!!
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For Monday June 27th... *
For Monday July 11th... *
For Monday July 18th... *
What is the best email to send you information about volunteering? *
If you volunteered in the past, what did you help with?
What would you like to help with this year?
RELEASE OF LIABILITY:  This event is sanctioned by USA Track & Field. As a volunteer, I do herby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators waive and release forever any and all rights and claims or damages I may accrue against the directors, officers and members of the Narragansett Running Association, all other volunteers, Summer Youth Track Series sponsors, the Narragansett School Department and the Town of Narragansett for the series. This includes damages incurred at the event, as well as transport to and from the event. I understand attempting to enter the Narragansett High School building is strictly prohibited during the entire series. *
Your full name. (This is your digital signature.) *
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