#Act4thePhilippines: Sell Ribbons for Relief
This form will allow you to submit your interest in selling Ribbons for Relief by your group, organization, association, or department. You will be selling ribbons such as these: http://tinypic.com/r/280ozdt/5.

The goal is to sell these ribbons for $2 each, but encouraging that it is sliding donation scale. By you helping out to sell these ribbons, you are helping the Act for the Philippines campaign happen, an ongoing effort to raise funds for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan: https://www.facebook.com/events/463525920432509/

Note that this form only serves as the SELLING of the ribbons, not making them. If you are interested in also making ribbons, please sign up here: http://tinyurl.com/makeribbons.

We will provide you with the Ribbons for Relief. You will be in charge of providing the people power to sell these. All proceeds will go to the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON). Learn more at http://www.nafcon.org

To learn more about this cause and general campus efforts, please see this link: http://tinyurl.com/ActFAQ

Questions? Please direct them to Corrina Calanoc act4thephilippines@inboxalias.com.
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Organization/Group Name *
Name of the group that is selling these ribbons. If you are not an official organization, please provide a title to be referred as.
Organization/Group Point Person *
Name of the person who we will be in contact with. Make sure that this person is responsive.
Point Person E-mail *
E-mail of your group's point person.
Point Person Cellphone Number *
Phone number of your group's point person.
Best & quickest method of communication with point person?
Please choose the method that will result in the quickest response
Are you selling these ribbons during a specific event? *
If yes, what is your event?
Indicate the name and nature of your event.
If not, how are you selling these ribbons?
Indicate how will you sell these ribbons. For example: selling them to your friends/co-workers, selling them at your meeting, tabling at a specified location.
Location for selling *
Where will you be selling these ribbons? We want to make sure there is no duplication of selling efforts. Please specify.
Start date/time for selling *
When will you begin selling these ribbons? We will make sure that you receive ribbons prior to your start time.
End date/time for selling *
When will you end selling these ribbons? We will need to collect ribbons and proceeds around this time.
Number of ribbons needed *
Give us an approximate number of ribbons you think you will be able to sell as a group. Provide a range. For example: 50-75.
Please list out your questions and we will get in contact with you together with answers to your questions.
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