Welcome to Ultimate Vienna 2022
This form should provide you with all the details you need to feel at home with us.
On the other hand we need some information from you to guarantee all the features to you.

Please be sure to provide an e-mail address which is linked to a Google account (every Gmail address automatically fulfills that, you're not limited to Gmail though). Within our club, we communicate mostly through mailing lists and by sharing documents in our own Google Drive. Therefore it's very important that you can access all of this with your Google account.

As a member, your e-mail address will be automatically added to our club mailing list "news@ultimatevienna.net" and to your preferred team's list "[team]@ultimatevienna.net". Being on those lists will grant you access to all relevant sections in Google Drive as well.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Is this the first time you become a member of Ultimate Vienna? *
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