Women in Renewable Energy Career & Leadership
As a woman active in the renewable energy sector workforce, we are curious to learn about your thoughts and career experience on gender equality and a glass ceiling. You are invited to answer the following 16 questions below.

Your answers will be compiled as part of MDPI Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Book Series on SDG 8: Transitioning to Decent Work and Economic Growth: https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/edition/1227

Estimated completion time: 15-20 minutes

All your information will be kept confidential and answers will be gathered in an anonymous way. Be part of the change by taking part in this survey. Thank you.

Questions? Contact the authors at sumonv@gmail.com or amanda.niklaus@gmail.com
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1. Your age (e.g. 24, 34, 45) *
2. Your current job title (e.g. Project Manager, Electronic Engineer, Originator etc.) *
3. Highest Education & Field of Studies (B.Sc. Engineering, M. Sc. Finance, Ph.D. Economics) *
4. Number of years working in the energy industry (e.g. 1, 1.5, 3, 10) *
5. Number of weekly working hours (34, 40, 42 etc.) *
6. Number of employees in your company (please choose from below) *
7. Women represent 32% of the renewable energy workforce and even lower in the broader energy sector ------ Why do you think there are fewer women in energy jobs? *
8. In your opinion, what discourages women to apply for positions in the energy industry? *
9. Is it difficult for you to have a leadership role in the energy industry? If Yes, why do you feel it is a struggle? *
10. If you are currently in a leadership role, how did you attain this position? (e.g. company recruitment, promotion, referral etc.) *
11. In what way (if any) do you think your sex/gender has impacted your chance of getting a job or a promotion in the past?
12. The term “glass ceiling” is often used to describe an unseen barrier that stops women and minorities from moving up in their careers. To what extent do you feel a glass ceiling exists in your workplace? *
Not at all
13. Could you provide a specific example of a glass ceiling in your workplace?
14. Do you think the perception of women’s role in the family (such as pregancy, care-giving) is a factor in your career? If so, in what way? *
15. Have you ever made any compromise to advance in your career (such as relocation, changing the way you speak, postponing pregnancy)? Please elaborate. *
16. Give three personality traits that you think you need to have in order to be “successful” in your career?
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