TCSS 562 - Fall 2018 - Student Demographics Survey
Voluntary survey on UW Tacoma TCSS 562 student background, demographics, and interests for Fall 2018

Please only complete the survey once.

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Where are you from? (city, state, country) *
What is your approximate age?
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Where do you currently live? (city) *
How long have you lived in Washington? (months, years) *
How do you reach campus? *
How much time does your commute require in minutes (one-way)? *
What is your academic standing? *
Do you have children?
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(First generation) Do you have a parent, brother, or sister who has graduated from college?
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Do you have an aunt uncle, or grandparent that graduated from college?
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How many years have you worked in an information technology job:  (Example: 4 years 4 months = 4.33 years) ?
Are you presently employed?
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If yes, is your employment in information technology?
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If employed, how many hours do you work per week?
What days /times are you generally on campus? (for office hours)
How many years of experience do you have with programming in Java? (example 4 months = .33 years; 4 years 4 months = 4.33  years) *
How many years of experience do you have with programming in C? (example 4 months = .33 years; 4 years 4 months = 4.33  years) *
How many years of experience do you have with programming in C++? (example 4 months = .33 years; 4 years 4 months = 4.33  years) *
How many years of experience do you have with programming in C#? (example 4 months = .33 years; 4 years 4 months = 4.33  years) *
How many years of experience do you have with programming in Python? (example 4 months = .33 years; 4 years 4 months = 4.33  years) *
How many years of experience do you have with programming in Linux Shell Scripting (e.g. BASH)? (example 4 months = .33 years; 4 years 4 months = 4.33  years) *
How many years of experience do you have with programming in Javascript? (example 4 months = .33 years; 4 years 4 months = 4.33  years) *
Please list experience with other programming languages?  List the language and length of experience in years as above.
How long have you attended the University of Washington Tacoma?  (years) (Example: 6 months = .5 years, 1 year 4 months = 1.33 years)
What is your program of study at the University of Washington?
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What was your bachelors degree major? (example: computer science, engineering technology, computer engineering, etc.)
List the name of previous colleges attended (Example: Western Washington University, Iowa State University)
Please check experience with the following cloud technologies: *
No experience
Beginner (< 6 months)
Intermediate (6 mos - 1 year)
Advanced (1 - 2 years)
Experienced (2+ years)
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), VMs on demand, Amazon EC2, Azure VMs, etc.
Object/blob/key-value storage (S3, redis, memcached, Dynamo DB)
Amazon VPC, virtual networking
Serverless computing (AWS Lambda, Azure functions, Google Cloud Functions, IBM OpenWhisk, others)
Load balancing (Amazon ELB, haproxy)
Platform-as-a-Service (Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Heroku, Google App Engine)
OS Containers (Docker, RKT, LXC)
Container Orchestration Frameworks (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos/Marathon, Docker Machine, Amazon ECS)
Relational Database Services (Amazon RDS, Oracle Cloud, Azure SQL, Google Cloud SQL, others)
Virtual Machines (KVM, XEN, Virtualbox, HyperV, VMWare, ESX)
What would you like to learn most from taking TCSS 562 - Software Engineering for Cloud Computing?
What is your experience with Linux/UNIX based operating systems in years (example: 4 months = .33 years; 1 year 6 months = 1.5 years)?
Are you interested in, or do you plan to work on a MS Thesis or Capstone project?
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What quarter and year do you plan to graduate?
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If you're considering a MS Thesis/Capstone project, what topics and subject area(s) are you considering?
Please describe your primary motivation(s) for pursuing an MS in Computer Science (for example: seeking industry job, increase competitiveness in job market, improve employment prospects, build on existing skills, build additional skills, gain research experience, plan to apply to PhD programs, seeking career in research/science)
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