Have a recommendation?
Is the library's collection missing something important? Is there a certain book you think the library should own? Give us YOUR recommendation! We always welcome your thoughts & appreciate the feedback.

Please note: Though we welcome all recommendations for additions to the library's collection, it is not guaranteed that your recommendation will be purchased. If your recommendation is purchased, you will be placed on hold for the item after it has been processed.
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Title *
Author or Artist (if applicable) *
If author or artist is not applicable or is unknown, please put "none".
Format *
Which ORLA location is this recommendation for? *
Additional Information
Feel free to let us know why you are recommending this title! Is it brand new (content/author) to our collection or perhaps updated materials to existing areas of the collection? Did this title receive an amazing review or award?
If your recommendation is added to the library's collection & you'd like to be placed on hold for it, please provide us with your name.
Phone Number
If your recommendation is added to the library's collection & you'd like to be placed on hold for it, please provide us with your phone number so that we can contact you when it's ready.
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This form was created inside of Oil Region Library Association.