Our Whole Lives Facilitator Training Registration Fall 2024

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Middle School Our Whole Lives Facilitator Training (Grades 7-9 and 10-12) is scheduled for Sept 13-15, 2024 at Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City, 12355 Moorpark St, Studio City, CA 91604. We’re excited to get to meet you!

Workshop Descriptions:

Our Whole Lives (OWL) Facilitator Trainings are intended to prepare individuals to lead OWL programs in their community. This is a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula for use in both secular settings and faith communities. OWL Facilitators are required to be 21 years of age or at least four years older than the students at the level they will facilitate to teach in Unitarian Universalist congregational settings.

  • If your congregation does not currently have an OWL program, it is recommended to send a diverse team of at least two people. If your congregation does have an established OWL program, you may send any number of prospective teachers.

  • This training is limited to twenty participants, with a minimum of ten; we need to have at least six people registered by the early cutoff of August 13. In the unlikely event that the minimum is not met, that level will be canceled and participants will be refunded the registration fee.

Workshop Site Information:

Fees include dinner Friday, three meals Saturday and two meals Sunday.  Ample snacks and drinks are provided throughout the training.  Please indicate dietary requirements on the registration form.

Transportation to and from the airport is the responsibility of attendees. Most of the major car rental companies have facilities at Burbank Airport and LAX. 

Please specify 12355 Moorpark St, Studio City, CA as your destination.

Parking Information
Parking:  We have a small parking lot immediately adjacent to the church building and a second small lot at the east end of our property accesible from the alley.  If the lots are full there is abundant street parking.

Financial Assistance
Priority for financial aid will be given to UU Church of Studio City members, but we will work to accommodate you if price is an issue and we can do so.

Dietary Options:
Vegan, vegetarian meals, and other options, can be specified on the registration form.

Childcare will not be available for these workshops.

Home Hospitality:
Homestays are available. If you request home hospitality, Jacki Weber will contact you as soon as they find an available space, there is no guarantee but we'll do our best!

Attendance Policy
You will need to attend all three days of the facilitator training. These are very intensive workshops. Please come well-rested and ready to absorb a lot in a short time.

What Do I Need to Bring?
Each participant will need their own copy of the books appropriate to the level they will be teaching. However, if  you have a team of people coming from the same congregation who will be teaching the same level, they are welcome to share copies of the curriculum.  If you do not already have a copy of the curriculum books, check with your religious education professional before ordering copies from the UUA Bookstore: https://www.uuabookstore.org  Books will NOT be available for purchase at the training site.

Note: Many levels of the OWL curricula are in the process of being updated. The trainers will provide copies of important pages for you in case you cannot obtain the latest curricula.

7-9 & 10-12 Curriculum / Books

  • Our Whole Lives, Grades 7-9 Curriculum (2014 edition) note: Corrected 2nd edition in process – available for backorder.

  • Sexuality and our Faith Companion for Grades 7-9 (2015 edition)

  • The Grades 10-12 curriculum is out of print and a new edition is being published soon. No need to bring.


  • Emmalinda MacLean & Kathe Larick

 Registration & Payments

  • Early Bird Registration: $350 – Early Bird Registration & Payment Made Through July 30, 2024

  • Regular Registration: $375 Registration & Payment Made July 31, 2024 to  September 1st. 

  • Late registration (after 9/1/24) - $400

  • Registration Fee includes all meals.  Fee does not cover housing/hotel, ground transportation, or curricula.

  • Cancellation Policy:  Notice of cancellation must be received by September 1  to be eligible for a full refund. There will be no refunds after September 2nd, and/or if a registrant is a no-show at the workshop.

Registration and payment options:

  • Program registration should be done online. If this is a difficulty for you, please contact our registrar, Jacki Weber at (310) 849-5835.

  • If you are registering online, but not paying online, a check or Money Order (made out to UU Church of Studio City with the name(s) of the trainee(s) on the memo line) can be mailed along with your registration receipt within five (5) days of registration, to OWL Training 2024 Attn: UU Church of Studio City, 12355 Moorpark St, Studio City, CA 91604

If you encounter any problems paying via PayPal while registering, please contact cfaust@uustudiocity.org and we will send you an invoice you can pay online separately from the registration submission.

Please contact Jacki Weber (dre@uustudiocity.org  or 310-849-5835) with questions! Thank you!

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