Setting and Achieving Life Goals
This lesson was taken from the Power for Youth Worksheet #43 and aligned to ALS Learning Strand 5: Understanding the Self and Society.
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Desired Competency
Create an action plan for setting and achieving life goals.
Learning Intent
a. Identify one's goal in life.
b. State which goals are achievable in the short term or long term.
c. Identify strategies to achieve these goals (specific steps to undertake to achieve the goal).
d. Identify the possible obstacles and needed resources.
Value Emphasis
A goal-oriented person usually becomes self-directed.
For ALS Teacher's Reference
These competencies are mapped against:
- A:S 2.0 curriculum: LS5US-ID-PSA-JHS-C.1: Identify/state one's goal in life clearly and when these are to be achieved, with tangible and intangible success criteria
- MYDev Module No. 1: Personal Development,  Session No. 2,  Activity No. 5
Mindanao Youth for Development Project. (2016). Module 1: Personal development facilitator's manual, MYDev Life Skills Curriculum, pp. 16-23.
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