Greenwood Release Site Application
Each species has its own unique habitat requirements that must be met in order for it to survive after release. With the rapid pace of development in Colorado, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find accessible, appropriate natural areas to use as release sites. We are always in need of a safe and secure home for the hundreds of different species, such as squirrels, raccoons, foxes, and coyotes. Please fill the form out to the best of your ability and Greenwood staff will contact you if we have a patient in need of a release site.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Full Address *
Type of Property *
Acreage *
Do you feed birds and/or squirrels in your yard? *
If you do feed wildlife in your backyard, what do you feed them? *
Do your neighbors like wildlife? *
Is your house near a busy road? *
Do you own a dog or cat? *
Is your home located at high elevation (above 6,000 feet)? *
Wildlife seen on your property (check all that applies) *
Property features (check all that apply) *
Other information we should know about your property
Wildlife you are interested in releasing on your property. (Check all that applies).  *
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