Smart business, big impact - Questionnaire to start breaking barriers to collaborate with startups

For a small and growth-oriented business, customers are at the center of everything. In the built environment, technology solutions and sustainable services are often targeted towards large organizations, both public and private, which can sometimes make it difficult to establish customer relationships.

The "Smart Business, Big Impact" initiative aims to build practices that break down the barriers of purchasing from startups and collaborating with startups for cities, public organizations, and large enterprises.

To further develop the initiative we are looking to understand the issues startups face even better. So we would appreciate you taking time to answer the following questions.

Smart Business, Big Impact is an initiative by the Urban Tech Helsinki incubator, KIRAHub and Kira Growth Programme.  The initiative aims to seek solutions to 3-7 concrete challenges, ranging from area planning to construction and improving existing built environment services. They are used to create practices to help collaboration with startups. Cities, public entities, and large companies will be sought as the owners of these challenges, who will continue to acquire solutions and services in the future.

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