BA-MEN Perspective Host Info
Please complete the information if you would like to host an event at your home or other venue you have permission to use.

Please note that all information is confidential and only available to a BA-MEN officer.
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We Thank You!
The guys of BA-MEN value your time, effort, and privacy, too!

We hope these questions will allow you to tell us everything we need to know to put your event in the newsletter & on the calendar without a lot of delay, though we prefer that we get the info 3 weeks or more in advance, that way we do have time to properly announce it and more guys have the chance to plan to attend (which may mean taking off work for some).

Saturdays & Sundays are the most popular days to host, though Friday evenings come in next.

If you're only free to host during the week, that's fine, but keep in mind weekday evenings will usually get the smaller number of guys attending and weekday day time even smaller numbers.

Our guys really appreciate being able to attend an event at someone's home, at least for the lesser cost (donation requested) if nothing else.

On that note, we currently offer hosts $3 per paid attendee, help cleaning before & after as requested (we always look for stray cups, plates, etc), 2 discounted (when possible) or free (if at someone's home) admission to 2 future events, as well as a year membership - for hosting just ONE event!  Plus there's perks with membership, too!
Name *
Enter at least your first name.  A last name or initial is requested.
Email Address *
Don't forget the "@" and all that follows, IE:
Address of event venue *
Please incl. city & ZIP as well of the location we'll be meeting at for your event.
Phone number
Be sure to include the area code, IE: 714-643-2263.  We will only use it if we cannot contact you via email or you request a call in comments.
Do you mind if we give your number to RSVP's?
It will not be listed in the newsletter, on the calendar, or elsewhere - just given to those who RSVP, and then only a few days before the event.
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Do you have any of these we may use?
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What sort of event do you want to or can host?
When would you like to host it? *
Please give a day or date (range OK) and time to start & end (range OK).  Or tell us if you want us to pick when.  -It's best if you can allow 3 or more weeks notice before the event is planned, but somewhat short notice is OK.
Do you want to have a time or place for safe-sex play?
We have some guys that prefer no open sexual activity, and to avoid offending anyone and allow more guys to attend, we'd normally suggest none or an "after-hours party" vs a "discreet area".
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Do you need us to be "clothing-optional" for a shy roommate?
(Or for that shy but persistent sidekick of yours.)
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