The Most Startup Friendly Company in Finland 2023 Award Competition

Nominate your company to be the Most Startup Friendly Company in Finland 2023!

With this form you can nominate your company to be the "Most Startup - Friendly Company" in Finland 2023. By filling and sending this form, you let us know of your interest to participate in the competition, and you will receive more detailed information to the contact email you provide us. For more information and background, please visit

The nomination of the most startup-friendly company aims to recognize the exceptional achievements that especially bigger companies have done to improve innovation and competitiveness through startup collaboration. We believe that the award will stimulate companies to collaborate and invest in startup functions even more.

Eligibility to apply:

- You are EITHER a large global/international corporation, OR a relatively large sized but more locally focused company in Finland. Both types of companies will compete in their own category, with other companies closer to their own size.

- Your company is operating in industrial or manufacturing field or otherwise has close ties to manufacturing, logistics or startup ecosystems. The startup cooperation between the corporation and the startups could be e.g. R&D collaboration, product development, innovation cooperation, piloting innovative methods and projects, providing new kinds of services, or perhaps something else that is new and unique.

- You have strong or strongly developing startup functions in your company in Finland, or with Finnish startups, and a mindset of changing the world.

Selection criteria:

- Strong startup attitude and action. Contribution to the Corporate-Startup Cooperation Toolbox. More detailed criteria will be published later.

Competition timeline:

- To be published later.

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Company name *
Person name, title, email, phone, other contact info (at least NAME and EMAIL required) *
Please describe with a few sentences, why should the company you represent be selected as the Most Startup Friendly Company in Finland in 2023? This can help you start thinking about the content of your competition submission, but can also be left blank and you can answer later.
More information
For more detailed information, please visit
If you encounter any problems with the form, contact us
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