Team Meeting Participant Survey

The Team Meeting is important in establishing and maintaining open communication between home and school. Therefore your feedback about your recent Team Meeting is important to us as we strive to improve our partnership with you. Our collaboration is essential to your child's success. 

Recently, you participated in a Team Meeting. Your response to this survey will help us make these meetings and the special education process even more effective. When we all work together, great things can happen for our students! 

Thank you in advance for your time and participation.                                                   

Optional: Student name
Optional: Caregiver name
Optional: School attending

Teachers and administrators encouraged me to participate in the decision-making process

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I was an active participant and was able to voice concerns and ask questions in the meeting. 
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The process and criteria for special education eligibility was explained adequately to me
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My concerns and vision were included in the development of the IEP 

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The Team made recommendations to address my child's educational needs

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I received a meeting summary and service delivery grid following the TEAM meeting 

 I understood the recommendations made at the Team meeting concerning my child's educational program                       

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The school explained what options parents/guardians have if they disagree with a decision of the school district
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Please identify any team member(s) who has/have been particularly helpful or supportive to you or your child during this process

Your comments are greatly appreciated and we invite you to share them below

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