Partner Advisory Board Onboarding Form
To express your company's interest in contributing to the 2024 Partner Advisory Board, please complete this form. We are particularly interested in organizations that intend to actively experiment with and test the Privacy Sandbox APIs in 2024 or early 2025.

The Partner Advisory Board focuses on providing awareness, context, timeline, overview and API design discussions on the topic of Android Privacy Sandbox. We meet virtually on a quarterly basis.

Note: The information collected in this form will only be used for the PAB team to confirm your interest and to contact you with information pertaining to the PAB event (e.g. schedule, agenda, etc.).

Đăng nhập vào Google để lưu tiến trình của bạn. Tìm hiểu thêm
Email *
Your company / organization
Your first & last name
Your corporate email address
Your business category
Bắt buộc
Please review the Member Overview & Expectations doc before confirming your interest in participating in the 2024 PAB. We are looking for participation from partners who plan to actively test against the Privacy Sandbox on Android Developer Preview.
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