HarbourVOICES! Presentation Proposal Submission Form

HarbourVOICES! International Festival of Collective Singing Traditions, in collaboration with The Singing Network, invites proposals for presentations which focus on foundations, components, and diverse aspects of singing together, i.e., collective singing.

HarbourVOICES! is an innovative six-day celebration of diverse singing traditions from around the globe: June-29-July 4, 2024. In addition to a variety of concerts and events, HarbourVOICES! will provide spaces for collaboration, sharing, and reciprocal learning through authentic experiencing of varied musical cultures and singing traditions.

Throughout morning sessions of HarbourVOICES!,  join intimate gatherings of musicians, scholars, conductors, pedagogues, composers, song leaders … to exchange, connect, create, share, and explore. Presentation focus areas might include: singing and song, communicating and sharing cultural traditions and practices, storytelling, conducting/leading in diverse contexts, teaching and learning, composing, moving, imagining… and beyond! 

We welcome a variety and diversity of presentation formats. 

Collective Singing traditions are rooted in diverse musical – social – cultural practices, traditions, and/or rituals, may be performative and/or ceremonial, and are embedded in communities around the world. Collective Singing often serves as a means of expressing identity, disseminating social commentary, transmitting musical and cultural heritage, and celebrating shared values and experiences that may lead to individual and cultural transformation.

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Email *
Last name *
First name *
Professional position/role/title *
Institutional/organization affiliation (if applicable)
Position (check one or more) *
Mailing Address or Street Address *
City *
Province/Territory/State *
Country *
Postal Code/Zipcode *
Cell/Mobile *
Website (if applicable)
Type of Presentation Session *
Length of Presentation Sesssion (check one box only)  *
Title of Presentation *
Proposal/Abstract (250 words) - to appear in the HarbourVOICES! programme, if accepted *
Bibliography, if applicable
Brief biography of presenter (maximum 150 words) - to appear in the HarbourVOICES! programme, if accepted *
If you are applying with a co-presenter or with a panel, please list the names of the other co-presenters and/or panelists and their institutional/organization affiliation. If accepted, bios and headshots of these additional participants will be required. Co-presenters/panelist will be expected to register for the HarbourVOICES! Festival (Individual Regsitration).
If accepted, a 50-word description of your presentation will be required for publicity purposes. *
If accepted, headshot(s) of presenter(s) and/or panelist(s) and/or choral ensemble(s) will be required and used for publicity purposes. *
Technical and/or spatial requirements *
Based on the information above, I understand that the HarbourVOICES! and The Singing Network assume no financial responsibility for travel, food, or accommodation for the presenter(s). The submission of a proposal implies that, if invited, I as the presenter am prepared to register for, travel to, and present in person at the HarbourVOICES! Festival at my own expense. Presenters will register as individual participants. (SOLO TOGETHER)  Additional information is here *
Name of Presenter or Primary Contact *
Thank you for your proposal - please be sure to press 'submit' below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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