Parent Home Learning Survey
Please take the time to complete the survey below which asks you to consider the work that is being set and completed at home for your child. As a school we are working hard to develop our home learning and we really value the input that parents have in this process. If you would like to pass any further comment about a particular question or any aspect of our Home Learning then please add it in the comment box at the end.

The survey will close on Wednesday 1st April at 18.00pm.

Please choose the most appropriate response in relation to your child. If you have more than one child at Island School, please feel free to complete a separate form for each child.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Student first name *
Student family name *
Year group *
House *
My child has been attending lessons using the online learning platforms *
My child is able to understand and complete the work set for home learning *
My child is able to complete the work during the time set (regular lesson or homework time) *
My child is engaged and motivated by the work *
My child is receiving feedback from teachers *
I understand the instructions given to my child and am able to give support *
My child is engaging in activities that enhance wellbeing *
[OPTIONAL] Something that has been particularly challenging for my child with home learning:
[OPTIONAL] Something that has particularly helped (or would particularly help) my child with home learning:
[OPTIONAL] Do you have any other comments on our home learning at this time?
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