CCC-AUSCP  The Pathway to Ecological Citizenship & Spirituality Workshop

The Catholic Climate Covenant and the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests invites you to a virtual workshop series during the 2024 Season of Creation, discussing the spiritual as well as life-threatening nature of today's ecological crisis and how to take Laudato Si' action in your dioceses, parishes, schools, ministries and organizations:

WEEK ONE: September 11th, 3:30-5PM Pacific/4:30-6PM Mountain/5:30-7PM Central/6:30-8PM Eastern: 

"Introduction to Catholic Creation Care in the U.S." by Dan Misleh, Founder & Interim Director of Catholic Climate Covenant

“The Spirituality of Laudato Si and the Challenge to Respond” by Dr. Erin Lothes, Senior Manager of the Laudato Si Movement Animators' Program and Visiting Scholar, Center for Earth Ethics

WEEK TWO: September 18th, 3:30-5PM Pacific/4:30-6PM Mountain/5:30-7PM Central/6:30-8PM Eastern: 

“A Scientific Perspective of Our Climate Crisis” by Dr. Philip Sakimoto, University of Notre Dame Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Director, Minor in Sustainability

“A Primer on the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform and Planning” by Dr. Christina Slentz, Director Creation Care, Diocese of San Diego

A link to each zoom will be emailed to you ~one week in advance of each workshop.  

For more information contact Fr. Emmet Farrell at OR Christina Slentz at

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