CUE Committee Application 2023-24
This is the application form for joining the committee of Cambridge University Entrepreneurs for this academic year. 

Applications are welcome from everyone, regardless of year of study or past experience. The only requirement is a willingness to take your own initiative, and being able to lead a role independently within a wider team. Cambridge alumni and students from other universities are also welcome to apply, although current Cambridge students are preferred. 

Deadline: 22nd of October 11:59pm

Roles description:
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Full name *
University email *
Degree and year of study *
Which role do you prefer? *
What do you see to be the purpose of CUE in the Cambridge ecosystem and how would you like to see the society work? Max. 1000 characters
What are the most significant non-academic experiences you've had in the last 3 years, and what have you learned from them? (societies, entrepreneurship, sports, travel - all interesting!) Max. 1000 charachters
What skills or experience do you have for the chosen role? Max 1000 characters
Are there any other roles you would consider?
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